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Typology in teams

thinking feelingJudgers/Perceivers

Time management is primarily a judger/perceiver issue. When it comes to time management, it's a judgers' world. J's have their homework done on time, their projects done on schedule. In a time-conscious society, people who are slave to their clocks get ahead. People who are constantly late are said to "have problems with authority." Unfortunately, society's J preoccupation with time sometimes leads to poor results. Citing a hard-core Js slogan: "We don't have time to get it right. We only have time to do it over."

introversion extraversionIntroverts/Extraverts

Introverts are usually perceived as being better time managers because thinking about a problem or issue takes less time than talking about it. Extraverts, through their need for constant engagement, use up their own time as well as that of others. To work effectively, Is need to realize that at some point, they have to talk: to let the rest of the group in on their thoughts. Conversely, Es need to stop talking at some point and start listening. Is and Es need to periodically schedule breaks in discussions and work to give I's time to reflect and recharge.

sensing intuitiveSensors/iNtuitives

Sensors perceive a minute as sixty seconds; iNtuitives perceive time as what you make of it. This often leads to misunderstandings and hard feelings. When working together, S's and N's must learn to accommodate each other. Sensors must be flexible in realizing "an hour meeting" might sometimes mean 90 minutes. iNtuitives, on the other hand, must realize that they sometimes must stick to a time-exact schedule.

thinking feelingThinkers/Feelers

Thinkers schedule their time based on the day's priorities, regardless of the nature of the tasks. Feelers set up their schedules according to the people with whom they will interact throughout the day. Feelers will usually avoid conflict, putting off unpleasant meetings, such as an employee reprimand. It is important to remember that both preferences are valid. If you alienate half of your staff in the name of getting things done, your day might be classified as less than successful. On the other hand, you need to do more in a day than making everyone happy; you need to get work done.

Additional time management tips

  • Everyone procrastinates around their non-preferences. If a group member keeps putting off a certain kind of job, he or she might need some support.
  • Everyone has a natural preference toward controlling time or adapting to it. Usually, people who tend to try to control time need to be a little more adaptive; and adapters need to try to be a bit more controlling.
  • People won't change. Adapters will never become controllers; perceivers will never become judgers. However, people do have the ability to make adjustments to try and better accommodate other personality types.